Gloria Galindo
Hello, I am Gloria Galindo, and I have experience in childcare for over twenty years. The needs of the children are my first priority, and I strive to meet them at a level that is comfortable for all. I enjoy engaging with children in stimulating activities such as games and gardening.
Education & Training
High School
American Career College
Special Training
Additional Training
CPR Training
Other Training
First Aid/AED
Other Interests

Family Name
Jul 10, 2018
Sep 17, 2019
Job Description
I took care of a baby girl up to fifteen months of age, assisting in her basic care needs along with providing advice to her parents, based on personal experience,
whenever needed.
Reasons for Leaving
The Golshani family moved out of state.
Family Name
Oct 15, 2019
Job Description
Watched over and cared for a sibling duo from the ages of four years and eighteen months. I provided basic care needs as well as making sure the children had age- appropriate activities to keep them stimulated such as playing and light outdoor gardening.
Reasons for Leaving
Children now both in elementary school, and the change in schedule would no longer work.
Family Name
Job Description
Reasons for Leaving