Emelyn Antonio
Hi my name is Emelyn Antonio. As you may have notice on my resume I'm transitioning from my property management and customer service careers to caretaking for children.I find fulfillment in caring for others and I have a lot to offer for those that feel I am the person they can trust
Education & Training
High School
Liceo De Mamatid (Philippines)
Technological University of the Philippines (Manila ,Philippines)
Special Training
Additional Training
Nurses Aid
Other Training
Other Interests
Cooking & Baking

Family Name
Agnes & James Juan
Oct 6, 2007
Apr 26, 2010
Job Description
Provides care to children inside and outside the home
Prepares healthy meals
Maintain daily schedule
Keep children's living and play areas tidy
Reasons for Leaving
Family decided to hired a full time nanny
Family Name
Job Description
Reasons for Leaving
Family Name
Job Description
Reasons for Leaving