Elizabeth Hannah Parmenter
Nanny, Couple, Personal Assistant
I am an artist, arts educator, and caregiver. I love getting outside in nature and learning about flora and fauna. I'm also passionate about local history and love to explore the city on foot. I enjoy engaging kids in imaginative, creative play. I have a BA in English and can help with homework.
Education & Training
High School
Bethesda Chevy Chase High School, Bethesda, MD, 2005-2009
Oberlin College, Oberlin OH, BA English, 2009-2013
Special Training
Additional Training
CPR Training
Other Training
First Aid
Arts & Crafts, Performance Arts
Other Interests

Family Name
Jun 14, 2016
Aug 26, 2016
Job Description
As the family's summer nanny, I cared for two children (a six year old girl and an 8 year old boy) for 8 hours per day Monday through Friday. I supervised playdates, handled breakfast, lunch, and snacks, took us to the pool, and devised ways to entertain the kids creatively throughout the day. After the kids went back to school, I continued to babysit on weekends, afternoons or evenings, and sick days as needed. I really enjoyed working with this family.
Reasons for Leaving
The summer ended and the kids went back to school and aftercare/activities. I continued to babysit as needed on evenings, weekends, and sick days.
Family Name
Job Description
Reasons for Leaving
Family Name
Job Description
Reasons for Leaving